Lend a helping hand. 🤝
The Center for Independent Living in Central Florida (CIL) provides Lakelanders the tools they need to feel supported + included in the community. To help support their mission locally, they recently added a new Lakeland office (2025 Crystal Wood Dr., second floor) to continue breaking down barriers.
CIL provides a wide range of services, including:
- Home modifications (wheelchair ramps, door widenings, ADA toilets, and grab bars)
- Medical equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, and shower chairs)
- Assisting with employment, including transitioning young adults with disabilities into the working world
Passionate about getting involved? Here are a few ways you can help in our community:
- Donate to CIL
- Volunteer + get involved with home modifications
- Educate your company with a CIL-facilitated Disability Sensitivity Training
- Help provide youth and adults with disabilities job opportunities