Memorial Boulevard has been top of mind for state + local officials.
The Florida Department of Transportation has announced that it will perform a Project Development and Environment study on the area of US 92 from Walker Avenue to Lakeland Hills Boulevard. The study will identify opportunities for complete street enhancements (think: incorporating on-road bicycle lanes, a landscaped median, and wider pedestrian sidewalks).
In September of 2024, Florida Commerce granted $75,000 to the City of Lakeland to conduct a separate economic study of Memorial Boulevard, and commissioners approved the grant agreement in October. Now, the city is partnering with Ayres — a planning, design, and engineering firm — to develop a plan for creating a thriving economic environment in the six-mile stretch of road between I-4 and East Lake Parker Drive.
As a part of the economic study, the city is seeking feedback from Lakelanders on the thoroughfare’s current state, as well as what they’d like to see in the future. Submit your thoughts online + mark your calendars for a public informational meeting about the project on Thursday, Feb. 20 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Coleman Bush Building.