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Launch your career with SEU’s 3 new tech programs

Explore Southeastern University’s new degree options in some of the nation’s most desired tech careers.

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The program gives students in-demand knowledge of the tech industry along with a strong foundation in business principles.

Photo provided by Southeastern University

Technology continues to be among the nation’s top career industries — and as our everyday lives get more and more tech-filled, the demand for tech jobs is only expected to increase. That’s why Southeastern University’s new Tech programs are kind of a big deal.

Combining a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) or Master of Business Administration (MBA) with one of three tech concentrations, the program gives students both tech-focused skills and training in fundamental business concepts and leadership. Students may also earn certificates without enrolling in a degree program.

The new programs and their adjoining career fields (all of which are among 2024’s most in-demand tech jobs) include:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Software Development
  • Data Science

Each program offers multi-certificate opportunities (earned simultaneously) and access to SEU’s robust support services. Students will also be among the top 1% of fastest-growing private Christian universities in the US.

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