Introducing #LALCoffeeTalk

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Introducing #LALCoffeeTalk

Hey Lakeland, Kaylee here. While there’s no doubt we’re living in an age of a lot of uncertainty, there’s one thing our team is definitely sure of: As a community, we’ll get through this weird + scary time together. 🤝

Every day, Abby and I get the privilege and pleasure of chatting with you – from receiving messages of encouragement + constructive feedback to making sure we know about the most relevant things going on in our community. Because of the ongoing conversations we get to have with you, we’d like to think that – though there are just two of us behind the screen – we’re really 70,000+ Lakelanders chatting about the news together.

And while we love all the messages we receive in our inbox and on our Facebook , Instagram , and Twitter , we want to take it one step further.

Which is why we’re excited to introduce #LALCoffeeTalk – a virtual chat hosted by our team, where we can all get together + talk with a featured guest to hear their take about what’s happening in our city over a cup of coffee.

To make #LALCoffeeTalk a reality, we need your feedback:

  • First off, let us know if you want to join a virtual coffee talk with us.
  • Would Friday mornings be the best time chat? What about Monday afternoons? Let us know if there’s a preferred time and day you’d like to suggest.
  • And lastly, let us know which featured guests you’d like to hear from (yourself, a city official, a homeschool mom, a restaurant industry guru, a local artist, a healthy eating coach, etc.) + if you’d submit questions to our guests.

(P.S. While you’re welcome to have any cup o’joe you like, we’d suggest supporting a local coffee shop by ordering their brew online, picking up a bevvie to-go, or buying a gift card to use later.)

We’re grateful for you Lakeland. And we can’t wait to see your bright + shiny (albeit probably-a-little-pale-from-social-distancing) faces next Friday. Stay tuned for a link to the chat in an upcoming newsletter.

Let us know below what you think about #LALCoffeeTalk.


– LALtoday team (Abby + Kaylee)

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Kaylee is based in Lakeland, FL and helped launch LALtoday as a City Editor. When she’s not writing, eating popcorn, or reading, you can probably find Kaylee searching for gators on a humid swampy Florida trail.
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