Mayor Mutz’s Monthly Moment — Four Steps to Daily Leadership

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Lake Hollingsworth | Photo via @floridadroning

This is part of our Voices series with City of Lakeland Mayor Bill Mutz, where he breaks down his thoughts about what’s going on in the City – in just one minute. Want to join the conversation? We invite you to write for us. Learn how to share your voice here.

We often read books on leadership yet sometimes wonder how “leaders” got themselves into their significant positions. If we are not careful, it becomes easy to hide behind a common erroneous conclusion, “I will never be like them. I am just not a leader.”

I want to challenge that thought vigorously. Why? Because life has repeatedly shown me, virtually everyone is gifted with the ability to lead within their sphere of influence. It is about the when, the where, and the how.

Leadership isn’t something you have to wait to perform in the future; instead, it is manifested by using intentional habits in the present. Here are four practices that, when seized, will enhance your leadership capability immediately:

  • Know your giftedness – Define and use your most significant strengths.
  • Courageously seek leadership moments daily – This requires making intentional choices.
  • Remain transparent + honest – Integrity guides the best decisions, not so with manipulation.
  • Seek wisdom from Above – Frustrations are often God’s revelation to new opportunities.

We influence our future through the many decisions we make daily. When we use our minutes wisely and capture nervy moments, our skills will help contribute to a thriving future.

Be brave and seek your leadership moments daily.

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